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The Common Cause of Abandonment!

In my estimation, in regards to this subject matter, all too often I see the needs of children that have been abandoned. I see the tears streaming down their faces and it expelled through their voices, telling me just how much pain they are feeling. It does not take me long to identify with them, for with my experience and the same with my siblings, I know what they are going through, but how can one deal with this? First, the circle has to be broken, most people are likely to show rejection because they were also rejected, abandoned etc. Though it may not be easy to resolve this issue, if the intervention of people with resources, those with the ability to care, offer love and support, one may be able to get healing and with a heat to pay it back forward and deposit into the lives of others.

Mind you, all these resources are good, but let me tell you, no matter how much benefits one receive from all of this, the most crucial part of it is to demonstrate and instill the importance of trusting in God, for He is the only One, that can satisfy our needs!
I could not get pass the hurdle until I learned to trust in a God and the knowledge that He loves and cares for me and that no matter who has forsaken me, He will never!

I hope you get something out of this that can be of use to help in someway!

Have a wonderful day and remember-

Stay Marva-lously Connected!